The All-Important End To That First Date
When it comes to that first date there’s no denying that first impressions count. But how can you ensure you leave a positive lasting impression when the date ends. And if the spark isn’t there, what’s the best way to say goodbye? Let an elite dating agency help.
What makes a good first impression?
When you join a dating agency and get a meeting in the diary, it’s natural for the pulse to start racing. As the Bowes-Lyon Partnership knows, feeling that you could be about to meet that special someone is a really exciting time.
Be Yourself – Nothing Less
It is the most common piece of advice offered by well-meaning friends before setting off on a date.
Happiness Makes You More Attractive
I recently read an article about the fact that nothing is more attractive than a happy person. I'm inclined to agree!
From Friends to Romance
It's so interesting when two people who were just friends for years end up developing a romantic relationship.
Change Your Life Today!
So today’s blog is going to be more of a call to action than a post answering a question.
Why do some men want to date significantly younger women?
As owners of the UKs exclusive dating agency, Bowes-Lyon Partnership Ltd, we always strive to at the very least meet the criteria and preferences of our members.
What If I Don't Know What I'm Looking For?
I always have to laugh when potential members email me to set up an initial consultation and in the last line of the message, they end with a bit of a disclosure saying, ‘Oh, and I have to warn you – I don’t really know what I’m looking for!’
How Can I Simplify My Search for a Partner?
The average 32-year-old has already worked for nine companies and is looking for the tenth, claims Barry Schwartz in The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less. In his best-selling book, the Western world is described as a place that provides its people with an overload of choice, and in turn promotes indecisiveness.
Heartwarming Dating Advice from a Recent Divorcee
Earlier this year, recently divorced Gerald Rogers, who works as a motivational speaker, took his personal experiences in love and attempted to communicate a series of tips to those who were struggling in their marriages.
Are Dating Rules Obsolete?
We have all heard the rules broadly toted around as though they are the gospel of dating. “Wait for them to make the first move.” “Don’t call until three days after a date.” …
Springtime Dating: The Possibilities Are Endless
Spring has welland truly sprung; the clocks have gone forward making for lighter and brighter evenings, and temperatures have finally started to climb after a long and dreary winter. This opens up plenty of opportunities for people searching for their soul mate.